If you want to be a diploma student of our course on Theology and Philosophy, please consider doing the following homework exercises, covering topics discussed during the eight parts of the course.
Theology and Philosophy: explain the meaning behind these terms.Western and Eastern Philosophy: give some examples of prominent contributors on both sides.Six Systems of Vedic Philosophy: briefly explain each system of philosophy, and some differences or common points between them.The Science of Love of God: explain the three progressive stages of Sambandha, Abhideya and Prayojana, and how the Gita, Bhagavatam and Chaitanya Charitamrita may be connected to each stage.Nine Limbs of Devotional Service: mention the nine practices of bhakti-yoga or devotional service.Two Processes of Devotional Service: briefly explain regulative devotional service (vaidhi-bhakti) and spontaneous devotional service (raganuga-bhakti).The Five Kosha System: briefly describe the five stages of consciousness called Anna-maya, Prana-maya, Mano-maya, Vijnana-maya and Ananda-maya.Methods of Vedic Knowledge: briefly describe the methods of Pratyaksa, Anumana and Shabda, and how we may use them practically in order to attain krishna-prema, the goal of bhakti-yoga.
Four defects of the conditioned soul: please mention them, with a practical example for each.Faith: briefly explain different types of faith.From Faith to Taste: briefly explain the progression we go through in the steps of shraddha (faith), sadhu-sanga (association with devotees), bhajana-kriya (devotional practice), anartha-nivritti (purification from unwanted things), nistha (steadiness) and ruci (steady taste).Doubt: explain the role of doubt, both favorable and unfavorable, in connection with Krishna consciousness.From Doubt to Steady Faith: explain how one develops faith in the existence of God.Intelligent Design: give examples which shows that intelligence is behind workings in nature.The Theistic Scientist: refering to the example of Newton, explain why or why not a scientist can be a devotee of the Lord.
Guru-Sadhu-Shastra: Please explain the importance of guru, sadhu and shastra individually and also how they work together for us in Krishna Consciousness.The 8.400.000 species of life: Please give the number of species for each category of 1)aquatics, 2)plants, 3)worms/reptiles, 4)birds, 5)beasts/land animals and 6)humans beings, which together amounts to 8.400.000 million species of life, as told in our scriptures (jalajā nava-lakṣāṇi, sthāvarā lakṣa-viṁśati, kṛmayo rudra-saṅkhyakāḥ, pakṣiṇāṁ daśa-lakṣaṇam, triṁśal-lakṣāṇi paśavaḥ, catur-lakṣāṇi mānuṣāḥ).You Are Not The Material Body: briefly explain the distinct importance of human life, in reference to the meaning of the sanskrit phrase 'aham brahmasmi'.Sankhya of the Body: name the 23 elements of the material body, which are the 5 gross and 3 subtle elements, the 5 knowledge-aquiring senses, the 5 working senses and the 5 sense objects. Briefly explain how the spirit soul is completely different from these elements of the material nature.The Soul: list 10 qualities of the soul, as given in the seminar.Sat Cit Ananda: briefly explain the meaning of each of these three words.Sanatana-Dharma: explain the constitutional position (dharma) of the soul, using an example (like fx the essence of 'policeman' is to give protection).The Five Relationships: mention the five primary transcendental relationships or rasas which we can have with the Lord, Krishna.
Recap from previous lesson: mention what are the six enemies of the mind, and, in a nutshell, why it is that we can be saved from their influence by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.Karma 1: give two definitions on the word 'karma'.Karma 2: tell the difference between karma, vikarma and akarma.Karma 3: briefly describe punya-sukriti and bhakti-sukriti, and also what is papa-karma.Karma 4: explain 1)prarabda-karma, 2)kriyamana-karma and 3)sanchita-karma, giving one example for each category.Reincarnation: shortly explain how reincarnation works, in connection with good and bad karmas.Afterlife of a devotee: explain, shortly, how a devotee of Krishna may or may not take another birth in the material world.Samskaras: briefly explain the concept of samskaras, and two important samskaras that Srila Prabhupada wanted ISKCON devotees to follow.
Three Aspects of the Absolute Truth: write two sentences each about Brahman, Paramātmā and Bhagavān, describing their basic concepts.The Supreme Lord: list the six opulences of the Lord.The Supreme Lord 2: write one or two sentences explaining the concept of Lord Krishna having 64 qualities.The Supreme Lord 3: point out how Bhagavān realization differ from Paramātmā and Brahman in terms of rasa.Rasa 1: explain the basic concept of śānta-rasa.Rasa 2: briefly explain dāsya-rasa.Rasa 3: explain the basics of sākhya-rasa.Rasa 4: briefly explain the concept of vātsalya-rasa.Rasa 5: tell what is mādhurya-rasa in one sentence.The Five Primary Rasas: mention one famous person for each rasa, and tell why each person belong to that specific rasa (fx if you say Arjuna is in the friendship rasa with Krishna, argue why he belongs there and not in the other rasas).The Supreme Lord and His Abode: give a description of Goloka-dhama.The Four Dhamas or Abodes: tell the difference between Goloka-dhama, Vaikuntha-dhama, Mahesa-dhama and Devi-dhama.
The Six Material Transformations: list the six transformations of the material body, starting with birth.The Three Energies of the Lord: explain what is Antaranga-shakti.The Three Energies of the Lord 2: shortly describe Bahiranga-shakti.The Three Energies of the Lord 3: in two sentences explain what is Tatastha-shakti, in relation to the Antaranga and Bahiranga energies of the Lord.The Four States of Consciousness: explain what are the four states of consciousness called jagrata, svapna, susupti and turiya.The Superior and Inferior Energies of the Lord: shortly describe what is Para Prakriti and Apara Prakriti by refering to Srila Prabhupada's books.The Pleasure Potency of the Lord: explain what is the Hladini-shakti.Maya, the Illusory Nature: please give an example why a person may enter the material world.Maya, the Illusory Nature 2: describe what may be the reaction if we do an aparadha (offence) to a spiritual master or devotee of the Lord.The Threefold Miseries: describe, with one example for each, the concepts of Adhyatmika, Adhibautika and Adhidaivika Kleshas (miseries).The Material Ego and the Spiritual Ego: please explain, in maximum four sentences, the false, material ego's consciousness of aham ("I") and mameti ("Mine") in comparison to the true, spiritual ego of the pure soul.The Material Ego and the Spiritual Ego 2: briefly explain the concepts of acintya-bhedābheda-tattva and para-duḥkha-duḥkhī.Perceiving Krishna in His creation: give some examples how we can see Krishna in 1) His Vishvarupa or universal form, and also in 2) His Vibhutis or opulences of the world. Bonus points if you can give reference to the Bhagavad-gita for each.
Avataras 1: list the six types of avataras of the Lord and explain what each one is about, with one example for each category.Avataras 2: give some information about the three expansions of the Lord, namely Svayam, Tad-ekatma-rupa and Avesha.Avataras 3: explain what is a Manvantara, and how many Manus there are for each day of Brahma.Avataras 4: explain the Bhagavad-avesha and Shaktyavesha-avatara concepts, with named examples for each. Bonus if you can give named examples for each of the seven types of Shaktyavesa-avataras.Avataras 5: describe what kind of avatara Lord Krishna is, and how often He descends in the material world to have His lila in Vrindavana.Avataras 6: what is the distinction between Vasudeva, the son of Devaki and Krishna, the son of Yashoda?Rasas: list the seven secondary rasas, and give one example how a secondary rasa can relate to one of the five primary rasas.The Creation 1: explain, in a nutshell, the material creation both before and after the birth of Lord Brahma, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam. Please include the three Purusha-avataras in your description.The Creation 2: shortly explain what is the meaning of 'Prajapati' and give an example of one and what he did.
Universal Time 1: explain what time we are in now, in terms of of which year and day of Brahma, which Manu and roughly how many years we are into the present Yuga.Universal Time 2: Please explain what is a Yuga-cycle, including listing the different durations of time in connection to that concept.Universal Time 3: describe what is a truti time unit, according to Srimad Bhagavatam.Universal Time 4: explain what is a paksha, how long is a month, and what is the concept of a thirteenth month according to the Vedic calendar system.Universal Time 5: list the Vedic calendar's seven days of the week, and which planets they correspond to.Planetary System 1: briefly explain the planetary system in three different parts, and also in fourteen parts.Planetary Systems 2: quickly explain the concepts of Divya-svarga, Bhauma-svarga and Bila-svarga.Death and Yamaraja: give a general description of what happens at death, in connection to the role of Yamaraja. Please include something about Yamadutas and Pitriloka in your description.The Three Modes: explain the characteristics for each mode of sattva, raja and tamo-guna. Please include something about different mental dispositions and destinations after death in your description.Helping Dead Relatives: explain how we as Krishna-devotees can do shraddha for our deceased relatives in the most simple way.Five Kinds of Liberation: list the five kinds of liberation and explain each one, and also how a devotee relates to these concepts.Free Will: simply describe the jiva's power of free will in connection with Lord Krishna's power.